
My First Review…

My First Review…

The following is the first, unsolicited review of my memoir from a friend and colleague I have known for over fifty years. I told him I was both humbled and honored by his words.

You’ve been on quite a journey since your ‘pilgrimage’ walk.  And I felt
you taking me, the reader, along on your ‘walk’ since.

I found your early years of great interest having grown up in the area,
attending Blessed Sacrament school until Our Lady of Lourdes opened …
living over the hill on Monroe Ave in Brighton … just a few years
ahead of you.

It’s after your walk as you become more dedicated to social justice that
the book becomes fascinating and complex – it’s not an easy read.  It’s
interesting how you’ve woven in so many reliable references, summarizing
so much of our history that is seldom taught along with excellent
writings targeting the subject, reinforcing your own experience.

Your work will be disquieting to many, causing a few to take action, but
certainly impacting the perspective of many.   Then, of course, there
will be those who set it aside as being too ‘far out’, or set it aside
because the ‘non-reader’ just doesn’t care and is not in a place to
accept your message.  So, it’s a controversial book, a book certainly
relevant in our current chaotic times.

I’m hoping it will catch on and have an impact.  But change takes a long
time … perhaps generational given how ingrained systemic racism is. 
Yet, you’re making a significant contribution to move understanding,
empathy and equality forward.

My sincere congratulations… Art

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  • Anne !.

    Congratulations on the publication of this much anticipated book of your personal experiences. Tonight’s snowfall prevented me from making it to B&N to pick up my copy, but I hope to do so soon. We walked a bit of your journey together, so I am anxious to read your entire experience. So happy for you, Bill. Best wishes on your achievement. It is a much needed publication in these dark times. Hopefully people will read it to self educate themselves on a subject that has a dearth of information readily accessible to a population badly in need of it. Thank you for your effort. Anne

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